The Wool Den

Your own private den

Following on from the EWEnited Wool Shop display, the wool den project then just evolved which was basically based on an idea of a wool shop within a ball of wool.


The majority of the materials used in this project are recyclable materials or just simply refurbished for this project.  Again, I just love the vast array of colours that can be used to create this project.


I actually didn't have any idea of how I was going to fix the wool around the body of the shop.  I had some ideas of how to do it, but ended up doing something entirely different.  I guess it's a matter of trial and error.


It makes a lovely, quiet space for knitting and crocheting.  It's like bringing back a room with awkward corners, shadowy and narrow back to life with a miniature wool shop inside it.  The surprise and detail is all inside this small packed space with lots of handmade miniature balls of wool! 


So my next wool den project will be slightly different which I hope to create in a different way and I have all the materials and ideas ready to start making a few more wool dens!


Lovingly made by "It's a miniature world"